Use B1Dex with Your Apple or Android Device

Maximize cost savings by utilizing your iPad, iPhone, or Android devices with Block One B1Dex, the affordable alternative to costly DEX hardware.

Streamline Check-in with B1Dex

Direct Store Delivery (DSD) Distributors benefit from a DEX system by getting priority at the backdoor receiving area over other distributors that must check-in manually. Retailers want a streamed check-in process, which DEX does by exchanging invoice and pricing data electronically and reconciling differences on the spot.

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Benefits of DEX

  • Exchanging invoice and pricing
  • Reconciling differences
  • Reduce Invoice Errors
  • Streamline the retail check-in process
  • Eliminate paper invoices
  • Reduce waiting time at deliveries
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About Dex

At retail receiving, the distributor utilizes B1Dex and their mobile device to connect to the retailer's serial interface. The distributor's DEX device is equipped with a ¼" stereo plug which connects to the receiver's system.

Using PFDEX:

1. Connect your iPhone, iPod, or Android device to B1Dex via WiFi.
2. Insert the B1Dex cable into the retailer's ¼" stereo plug receptacle.
3. Electronically transmit invoices.

The iPhone, iPod, or Android Device will connect to your B1Dex via WiFi

Yes, all B1Dex units include a 1-Year replacement warranty.